  • It is a robotic machine for the production of sandwich-CORNET ice cream.
  • Equipped with:
  • Two rotary biscuit distributor systems.
  • one ice cream cutting systems.
  • one cone filling systems.
  • one automatic cone dispensers.   
  • Two robotic systems with six pneumatic grippers which functions in two movements;       
    first movement is in the direction of the tray, the second movement is vertical to that.
  • These exact movements are controlled by the drives of two servo motors and completely hygienic ice creams are dropped to the wrapping machines.      
  • Two six row wrapping machines with color mark optic system.
  • For exact co-ordination and high efficiency three control devices of PLC HMI Servo Drive are
    articulately synchronized.
  • The production capacity is 12,000 sandwich ice cream pcs./h
  • Kapasite 12000 adet /saat
  • Sisteme ait makinalar ve ozellikler :
  • uretm hatti iki sistemli sandwich besleyici ile donatilmistir
  • iki sistemli dondurma kesici ile donatilmistir
    bu uretim hatti ikili otomatik CORNET  ve ikili dondurma besleyicilri ile donatilmistir
    ikili  robotlu system ve alti adetli penomatik GRIPPER ile donatilmakta ve system iki harekete sahiptir.
  • uretim hatti iki robotlu system ve alti adetli penomatik GRIPPER ile donatilmakta ve system iki harekete sahiptir.
  • a-birinci hareket ,tepsiler dogroltusunda
    b-ikincisi ise birinci harekete tam dikey ve kontrollu system ile donatlip ve uretilen dondurmalari
    paketleme kisma sevk etmektedir
  • uretim   hatli altili iki paketleme makinasi ve COLOR MARK OPTIC sistemi ile donatilmakta
    PLC ,HMI,SERVO DERIVE bu da cok duzenli
  • calisma ve yuksek randiman elde etmek icin sisteme eklenmstir.

Ice cream produced by THIS PRODUCT

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